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    发表时间:2023-08-27  浏览次数:

    刘杨 (1986-),女,讲师,20187月毕业于日本国立冈山大学,获工学博士学位,2019年入职冠军论坛白菜网。




    1. 期刊论文

    (1) Liu, Yang; Dong, Bo; Yang, Jiajia; Ejima, Yoshimichi; Wu, Jinglong; Wu, Qiong; Zhang,

    Ming ; Stimulus Intervals Modulate the Balance of Brain Activity in the Human Primary

    Somatosensory Cortex: An ERP Study, FRONTIERS IN NEUROINFORMATICS, 2021, 14

    (2) Lichang Yao; Qi Dai; Qiong Wu; Yang Liu; Yiyang Yu; Ting Guo; Mengni Zhou; Jiajia Yang;

    Satoshi Takahashi; Yoshimichi Ejima; Jinglong Wu ; Eye Size Affects Cuteness in Different Facial

    Expressions and Ages, Frontiers in Psychology, 2022, 12(通讯作者)

    (3) Yang Liu; Qiong Wu; Jiajia Yang; Satoshi Takahashi; Yoshimichi Ejima; Jinglong Wu ;

    Effects of Aging on Vibrotactile Stimulus Counting Abilities, Information-an International

    Interdisciplinary Journal, 2018, 21(7): 2071-2086

    2. 会议论文

    (1) Qiong Wu; Yang Liu; Yulong Liu; Jinglong Wu; Ritsu Go ; Development and performance evaluation of automatic measuring apparatus for sorting haptic angle stimulus, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA), Beijing, China

    (2) Qiong Wu; Yang Liu; Jinglong Wu; Ritsu Go ; A Behavioral Study on Angle Discrimination and Sorting by Fingertip Touch, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA), Changchun, China

    (3) Ritsu Go; Jinglong Wu; Yang Liu; Yusuke Kuroda; Qiong Wu ; Cognitive Psychological Study

    on The Occurrence of Microsaccades in Visual Spatial Attention, 2018 IEEE International

    Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA), Changchun, China

    (4) Yang Liu; Yinghua Yu; Jiajia Yang; Yoshinobu Inai; Jinglong Wu ; Ability to recognize and

    identify the location of vibration stimulation on the fingers, 2014 IEEE International Conference

    on Mechatronics and Automation

    (5) Yang Liu; Jiajia Yang; Yinghua Yu; Yoshinobu Inai; Jinglong Wu ; Development and evaluation of vibrotactile stimuli presentation device to investigate tactile working memory, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Takamastu, Japan

    3. 论著

    《大学新生心理健康教育实践》参编,第五章, 范晴岚、孟卓群主编,南京大学出版社。

    三、 获奖情况


    地址:江苏省苏州市虎丘区学府路99号 邮编:215009  联系电话:0512-67374069

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